Park centrally in Oslo even though Ring 1 has closed

Regarding the upgrade of the two tunnels, Hammersborgtunnel and Vaterlandstunell - Ring 1 is now closed (from of July 2024). The road between Oslo Spektrum and the intersection Pilestredet/St.Olavsgate will be closed for traffic for the next three years.

Here are your best parking options, whether you're driving from the east or the west. See you there!

Where in the city do you want to park?

Find out which parking facilities you can most easily drive to, based on which side of the city you are driving from, and in which part of the city center you want to park.

I want to park close to Aker Brygge, Vika or Pilestredet

I want to park close to Sørenga, Bjørvika or Løkka

I want to park in the city center of Oslo

Avoid queues? Read more about our new Commuter product in Lysaker Torg

We have now launched a new Commuter product which is available to all commuters who park in Lysaker Torg car park. Here, commuters get a more reasonable price for 24-hour parking so that you can skip queues and take public transport further into the city centre.

Become familiar with the new driving routes and bypass routes

  • New bypass route East
    The entrance to the Vaterlandstunnel at the roundabout in Schweigaardsgate is closed. Traffic is directed through Nordenga bridge, Kong Haakon 5s gate to Grønlia and further down to the E18 Opera tunnel
  • New bypass route West
    Traffic is directed through St. Olavsgate and Fredriksensgate down towards Vika and on to E18 Opera tunnel. A temporary roundabout is being built at the St. Olavsgate/Pilestredet for better traffic flow
  • New driving routes
    It is planned to reduce the number of lanes towards the center from three to two lanes on the E18 at Lysaker, and on the E6 north-east at Furuset. The third lane is reassigned to a public transport lane at Lysaker and a heavy traffic lane at Furuset.

Keep yourself updated with the Ring 1 project and the new changes

Here you will find the latest news, reports and other documentation from Statens Vegvesen about the Ring 1 upgrade of the Hammersborg and Vaterland tunnels.

Keep up to date on new driving patterns and new driving routes.

Do you have questions and want to talk to customer service?
Contact us